Total lines of code: 1299
Total lines skipped (#nosec): 0

assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 168
More info:
164	        pixel = images.movedim(-1, 1)  # [B, H, W, C] => [B, C, H, W]
166	        # Decoder requires dimension to be 64-aligned.
167	        B, C, H, W = pixel.shape
168	        assert H % 64 == 0, f"Height({H}) is not multiple of 64."
169	        assert W % 64 == 0, f"Height({W}) is not multiple of 64."
171	        decoded = []
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 169
More info:
166	        # Decoder requires dimension to be 64-aligned.
167	        B, C, H, W = pixel.shape
168	        assert H % 64 == 0, f"Height({H}) is not multiple of 64."
169	        assert W % 64 == 0, f"Height({W}) is not multiple of 64."
171	        decoded = []
172	        for start_idx in range(0, samples["samples"].shape[0], sub_batch_size):
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 417
More info:
413	        config: str,
414	        weight: float,
415	    ):
416	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
417	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
418	        if ld_model.attn_sharing:
419	            return ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion_attn_sharing(model)
420	        else:
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 463
More info:
459	        bg_cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
460	        blended_cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
461	    ):
462	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
463	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
464	        assert ld_model.attn_sharing
465	        work_model = ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion_attn_sharing(model)[0]
466	        work_model.model_options.setdefault("transformer_options", {})
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 464
More info:
460	        blended_cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
461	    ):
462	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
463	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
464	        assert ld_model.attn_sharing
465	        work_model = ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion_attn_sharing(model)[0]
466	        work_model.model_options.setdefault("transformer_options", {})
467	        work_model.model_options["transformer_options"]["cond_overwrite"] = [
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 528
More info:
524	        config: str,
525	        weight: float,
526	    ):
527	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
528	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
529	        c_concat = model.model.latent_format.process_in(latent["samples"])
530	        return ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion(
531	            model, weight
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 586
More info:
582	        cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
583	        blended_cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
584	    ):
585	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
586	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
587	        assert ld_model.attn_sharing
588	        work_model = ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion_attn_sharing(
589	            model, control_img=image.movedim(-1, 1)
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 587
More info:
583	        blended_cond: Optional[List[List[torch.TensorType]]] = None,
584	    ):
585	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
586	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
587	        assert ld_model.attn_sharing
588	        work_model = ld_model.apply_layered_diffusion_attn_sharing(
589	            model, control_img=image.movedim(-1, 1)
590	        )[0]
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/
Line number: 654
More info:
650	        config: str,
651	        weight: float,
652	    ):
653	        ld_model = [m for m in self.MODELS if m.config_string == config][0]
654	        assert get_model_sd_version(model) == ld_model.sd_version
655	        c_concat = model.model.latent_format.process_in(
656	  [latent["samples"], blended_latent["samples"]], dim=1)
657	        )
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/lib_layerdiffusion/
Line number: 16
More info:
13	diffusers_version = importlib.metadata.version('diffusers')
15	def check_diffusers_version(min_version="0.25.0"):
16	    assert parse(diffusers_version) >= parse(
17	        min_version
18	    ), f"diffusers>={min_version} requirement not satisfied. Please install correct diffusers version."
20	check_diffusers_version()
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/lib_layerdiffusion/
Line number: 319
More info:
315	    def decode_pixel(
316	        self, pixel: torch.TensorType, latent: torch.TensorType
317	    ) -> torch.TensorType:
318	        # pixel.shape = [B, C=3, H, W]
319	        assert pixel.shape[1] == 3
320	        pixel_device = pixel.device
321	        pixel_dtype = pixel.dtype
assert_used: Use of assert detected. The enclosed code will be removed when compiling to optimised byte code.
Test ID: B101
Severity: LOW
Confidence: HIGH
CWE: CWE-703
File: /custom_nodes/ComfyUI-layerdiffuse/lib_layerdiffusion/
Line number: 328
More info:
324	        latent =, dtype=self.dtype)
325	        # y.shape = [B, C=4, H, W]
326	        y = self.estimate_augmented(pixel, latent)
327	        y = y.clip(0, 1)
328	        assert y.shape[1] == 4
329	        # Restore image to original device of input image.
330	        return, dtype=pixel_dtype)